Personalized Greeting Card

Congratulations, Newlyweds

NEW! Create a beautiful, personalized wedding greeting card! Wish the newlyweds a happy marriage with a card featuring their names and appearances, your wishes for them, and the message: Your Love is Forever.

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Perfect Addition to our Books
This personalized marriage greeting card is inspired by our brand-new book for newlyweds. Create the perfect book & greeting card pair for the best wedding gift ever!
Personalized Keepsake
Give the newlyweds a card to remember and keep forever! They’ll love seeing themselves and their names on the card and reading your thoughtful words printed inside.
Best DIY Wedding Gift
A greeting card this thoughtful is a gift in its own right! It’s totally unique, printed on high-quality card stock, and comes with its own envelope! Create yours now!

Create the best greeting card!