Personalized Greeting Card

Happy Isabella Day, Bondee Edition

Create a personalized greeting card for the sweetest kid you know! For a birthday, back-to-school, or any other occasion you can think of, this Bondee-themed card is the perfect way to make your kiddo smile. You can even add a super-cuddly Bondee plush toy to be the sidekick on all their sweet adventures!

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Perfect Addition to our Plushies
This card’s designed in line with our adorable sidekick plush toys. Add a cuddly Bondee plushie to your order to make a toy-card combo that’s too cute for words!
Celebrate Any Occasion
This card celebrates a special day for your kiddo. Add your own dedication to include birthday wishes, good luck at school, or anything else you can think of!
Adorable Personalized Keepsake
Give a one-of-a-kind kiddo an equally unique card to keep forever! They’ll love seeing themself on their greeting card and reading your thoughtful words printed inside.

Create the best greeting card!