Nothing makes us happier than knowing that our personalized books have found their way into the eager hands of young readers. They’re our heroes! So to thank you for making that happen, we automatically make you – our amazing customers – members of our Super 7 Club!

Why 7? Well, it’s our lucky number! It’s also because we’ll send you an e-mail 7 weeks before Easter, for example, inviting you to create a perfect, personalized gift with our highest discounts of the season. Ordering at that time will also give you plenty of time to use our free delivery option!

Being in our Super 7 Club means you can:

• Take advantage of our HIGHEST DISCOUNTS of the year
AVOID THE SHOPPING RUSH of the year’s biggest holidays
• Receive your books WELL IN ADVANCE of the gift-giving occasion

This year, we’ll send you these discount codes 7 weeks before Easter, Back to School and Christmas.

In addition to this, we also have a few other tricks up our sleeves to surprise you with. So not only can you expect to hear from us 7 weeks before these big events, but you’ll also get little treats when you least expect them!

So be on the lookout for an e-mail from us 7 weeks before the wrapping paper comes off with your DISCOUNT to save big when you personalize the perfect gift!