Baby Is Born
Best Newborn Baby Gift
Celebrate the birth of a new baby by creating Baby’s first personalized book! This book is perfect for new babies and their parents alike. For starters, it’s adorably personalized, including a page to write in Baby’s weight, length, eye color, and birthday. There are also black and white contrast images included to stimulate Baby's development, and the story's message affirms: no matter who you are, you’ll always be loved. There’s no better book for Baby to grow up with!
Patrick Becomes a Big Brother
Best Book For New Big Brothers!
Welcoming a new baby is a joyous occasion, and it can be especially exciting for the newly promoted big brother of the family. As big as your little boy will feel beside his new sibling, he’ll surely have some questions and anxiety as well. This personalized big brother book for new siblings stars both of your kiddos and, through gentle rhymes and lovely illustrations, introduces your boy to the world of big brotherhood. In the end, he’ll see that he’ll rock it!
Timothy's Nursery Rhymes
Best Nursery Rhyme Book
Whether an infant, a preschooler, or a kindergartener learning to read, your child will adore having their very own, totally personalized book of nursery rhymes! This cute book reimagines classic nursery rhymes to include your kiddo, who personally makes sure there are happy endings all around! No more babies falling from trees or mice getting their tails chopped off! Fun rhymes and lovely illustrations make this book a must-have for all young kiddos.
Courtney Becomes a Big Sister
Best Book For New Big Sisters!
Welcoming a new baby is a joyous occasion, and it can be especially exciting for the newly promoted big sister of the family. As big as your little girl will feel beside her new sibling, she’ll surely have some questions and anxiety as well. This personalized big sister book for new siblings stars both of your kiddos and, through gentle rhymes and lovely illustrations, introduces your girl to the world of big sisterhood. In the end, she’ll see that she’ll rock it!