Personalized Book
Bryan's Ultimate Book of 365 Dad Jokes
Best Gift for Dads of All Ages
★For the dad who loves to laugh.
★ Dad is fully personalized in hilarious jokes on every page!
★ Shipped in just 3 business days!
Finally, the dad in your life who loves telling dad jokes can get his very own, 100% personalized book of 365 pun-tastic zingers. Add his name, create his appearance, and see him shine alongside 365 jokes that’ll have him cracking up on every page. Warning: once he starts telling these jokes, he may never stop!
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- Over 3 Million Books Sold
- Our books for kids and their families have been personalized over 3 million times! Our readers usually cry tears of joy, but this book guarantees tears of laughter!
- Add Pizza Box Packaging
- Gift this book in a special "PIZZA BOX" packaging that will bring both smiles and giggles. We're sure that Dad will absolutely love this unique gift-giving experience!
- As Dad-vertised!
- We made sure to include only the funniest dad jokes out there, and then illustrated the dad in your life alongside them. The result is a book he’ll never put down!