Personalized Book

The Adventures of Macie, Fiona and Lawrence

Whoever says two’s company, three’s a crowd clearly can’t handle the non-stop adventure that is having three children! So just for those heroic parents of three, our best-selling personalized sibling book is now available for three siblings! Personalize any combination of brothers and sisters, choose 15 adventures, and enjoy as each page bursts with three times the rhyming fun! With Mom or Dad as the narrator, this personalized children’s book is the perfect bedtime read now and the cutest keepsake to cherish for the best three siblings you know making it the very best gift around!

  • Ages:0 - 12 years
  • No. of pages:38 pages
  • Binding:Hard
  • Format:12 in. x 8.5 in. landscape
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Perfect Gift For Three
The perfect book for three siblings to see themselves as the unstoppable force you know they are! Fun rhymes equal good times!
Choose the Narrator
Whose voice describes the magical worlds that the heroes find themselves in - Mom's or Dad's? You decide!
One of a Kind Gift
Create one personalized gift for three amazing siblings to enjoy now and cherish later. It’s a perfect keepsake for Mom or Dad too!

Create the best personalized book!


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  • 100% happiness guarantee
