We’re always looking to find new and innovative ways to make our personalized books for kids and adults even better, so we got to thinking: why not offer a cheaper, more flexible alternative to our hard cover editions? And whaddaya know?
Meet our entire line of NEW personalized soft cover books!
Hard cover Soft cover
It’s extremely easy to do, too! While you’re in the midst of creating your personalized book, during the 4th step, all you need to do is choose whether you’d prefer the hard cover or soft cover. That’s all!
Daniel, 10 Reasons I Love You!
First, we’ve got the book that launched it all: This was an instant hit, and couples around the world went crazy for this personalized book for adults as a super-cute way to say “I love you” this Valentine’s day (or any day of the year)!
The Unreal Family
What better way for a family to bond together than through the joys of reading and using their imaginations! Available for 1, 2, or even 3 kiddos, this personalized book for families answers the question “What if we were…” in a whole bunch of hilarious and fun ways!
When Noah Grows Up – Daddy Edition
The book that caused 1,000,000 tears! Our all-time best-seller, this personalized book for daddy and his little one lets him imagine 10 amazing careers his little one might grow up to be!
Always Little Series
Available for both parents, for just mom or just dad, these personalized books highlight the touching moments all parents feel as they watch their little one growing up right in front of their eyes. And yeah, they’ll get bigger, but they’ll always be your little boy or girl!
Always Little – Grandparents Edition
Especially during these trying times, it’s not so easy to visit grandma and grandpa, but this personalized book is a great way to celebrate the inter-generational bond shared between grandparents and their grandchild! Also available for just grandmoms or just granddads.