It’s something people have been asking for, and we’ve been working incredibly hard at getting it right. And now, we’re incredibly proud to offer an Armed Forces Service Member as an option for your little one.

Honoring Our Service Members
This was the main point we wanted to communicate. We wanted to make sure that this new story honored those who have volunteered to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces and do justice to those who put their lives on the line for our freedom and security.
And more coming soon!
We’re also working on a couple of new careers as well! They’re all part of our BRAND NEW Grows Up book that also includes some other features our customers have been asking for:
- Parents on the cover and every page
- More personalization options
- Personalizable “nicknames” for the parents
- Your choice of sidekick throughout the book
Personalize yours today!

to discover this amazing new book, and start personalizing your little hero or heroine today!