Grandparents have so much to give, from the great stories they can tell to the boatloads of candy they somehow magically have whenever the grandkids are around! That’s why we worked incredibly hard to release our NEW Grandparents book with two or three kiddos!

Too Cute!
We know, right!?! This book has it all! Choose one for either grandma, grandpa, or both of ‘em, then personalize either 1, 2, or even 3 grandkids! Choose their appearances, pick 10 or 15 super-cute stories, and be sure to write a heartfelt dedication!
Poppop and Nanna, not Grandma and Grandpa?
Not a problem! You can even personalize what your little ones call their grandparents! Your humble narrator would go with Pappasaurus and Grandmamacita, but we’ll leave that up to you! But trust us, this book will be the new go-to for storytime, bedtime, or anytime in between!