What do you get when you mix thousands of suggestions surrounding a bestselling book for pets & a bunch of plant-loving artists? The answer: Hooray Heroes 2022 April Fool’s Day prank! We actually found ourselves hoping enough people would fall this that we’d have to actually make the book! You gotta admit – it is pretty cute. In case you missed the original joke, here’s the actual blog post in its (fake) entirety. Enjoy! (and sorry for all the puns)
Sprouting Soon! An Unbe-leaf-ably In-green-ious Book for Plant Lovers!
The popularity of our personalized book for pets has resulted in thousands of customers rooting for new in-carnations of it. And they’re not all your garden-variety requests! In fact, we’re proud to announce this NEWEST edition inspired by the most common customer weedback!

Looking pretty sharp, right?!
Pluck up your copy this July!
Like what you seed? Have we prickled your fancy? Then don’t moss out! Get a reminder and exclusive discount when the book blossoms! Thistle be yours in no thyme!
Sow Many Requests!
You may have noticed that, during the pandemic, plant-parenting rose monstera-sly. With that growth came a budding market: books for people and their plants! Our team wood be crazy to miss this opportunity, so we’re already putting the petal to the metal on this exciting new book!

Pics All Clover the Place!
Last bud not leaf, lettuce present to you just a sample of some of the pics customers have sent us along with their requests! Amazing right! We can’t wait for them to see themselves and their plant babies in their very own books!