In an effort to get to know the sidekicks for Hooray Heroes’ personalized book celebrating a child’s first milestones, we sat down with one of the stars of the new book, Rascal Raccoon. Rascal is precisely that, a little ornery, rambunctious, a definite prankster, a rascal. You’ll also see how good of a friend he is, and that he has a heart of solid gold. Sit back, relax, and enjoy getting to know Rascal like never before!

- HH: Hello Rascal. Thanks for taking the time to meet with us today. Also, the whoopy cushion was a nice touch. Our producer was pretty embarrassed. You got her pretty good.
RR: Rasc-attack at it again! Such a classic. A surprising fart sound? Hilarious! So yeah, thanks for having me, man. I love doing interviews. Am I on tv? Where are the cameras? I’m ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille! Hahahahahhaha! But yeah, I’m doing great. How are you?
- HH: Just fine, Rascal. So, tell us a little about yourself and where you’re from.
RR: Aw man, you’re embarrassing menow! I was stinkin’ cute as a baby though! The cuddliest, fuzziest cheeks! It took a while to become the master prankster I am now, but from the get, I loved being around my friends and family, treasure hunting, or a.k.a., dumpster diving. But I gotta be honest. Not everyone wanted to be my friend. Some critters will laugh at you for looking like a bandit and raiding trash cans.
- HH: How did you cope with these woodland bullies?
RR: Raccoons are smart, so I figured I’d learn how to play pranks on the people who were mean to me. Nothing mean-spirited, just harmless pranks, but everyone loved them! Soon after, those bullies actually began to appreciate me for who I am, and now everyone wants to get in on the pranking action.
- HH: That’s a pretty dramatic turn-around! So how have you been keeping yourself busy lately?
RR: Banana peels, skateboarding, and trash panda-ing to my heart’s content! I’ve had a gourmet 5 course meal recently, and best of all, I found it in the dumpster behind The Thin Goose!! Can you believe that? I skated home that night quite satisfied! One person’s trash is Rascal’s gastronomy!
- HH: Appetizing. What you think makes you a good sidekick for these little boys and girls as they begin to learn all about the world and achieve their first milestones?
RR: Once I meet one of these little boys or girls, I’m sure they’re gonna have a blast hanging out as I show them the ropes of how to person like a pro, laughing, smiling, and enjoying each minute as we prank our way across the city, discovering all these new things they’ll be able to do! But whatever I’m not so good at, I’ll do my best to learn to help that little boy or girl learn as much as they can, too!
- HH: That sounds awesome! I’m sure those kiddos can’t wait to meet you! Next question: what’s your favorite thing to do?
RR: Hide in the bushes waiting for someone to walk right into one of my pranks! The anticipation is almost as fun as when it actually happens! I like to call it a Rasc-attack!
- HH: And we can’t wait to see one, just not fall into one. Thanks for your time, Rascal! It’s been a pleasure!
RR: Thanks, y’all! This has been great! Oh, and can you hand me back my whoopy cushion? I’m gonna need it for later!