The perfect gift for Valentine’s Day doesn’t need to be expensive, it just needs to come from the heart.
The big day is coming… Are you ready?
Trying to come up with the right Valentine’s Day gift idea for your significant other can be a real struggle, especially if you’re on a budget. But fear not! Just because a gift didn’t cost an arm and a leg, doesn’t mean it can’t be precious. In fact, we believe that it’s the love that goes into a gift that truly makes it special, not the price tag.
With this in mind, here are our 7 top ideas for Valentine’s Day gifts guaranteed to be whimsically romantic and kind to your wallet all at the same time.

1. Cook a meal together
However nice it may be to eat out, there’s definitely something that can be said for putting the effort in at home. And the results can be significantly more delicious!

You could recreate the very first meal you had together, a dish that brings back memories of an unforgettable holiday, or just make something you both love. If you’re in need of some inspiration, there’s no shortage of mouth-watering options online. Now get cooking!
2. Document your time together with a photo journal
Whether it’s been a few months or a few years, a photo journal is a fabulous way to relive (and preserve) some of the special moments you’ve shared. You don’t even need to have been together for long for this to work. Let’s face it. We all have more pictures on our phones than we’d like to admit, so why not print out a few?

Don’t let the fact that it all feels a little old-fashioned stop you either. There’s something desperately romantic about printed photos and hand-written notes and the best part is that this is a gift that can be revisited and updated every few years as your love continues to grow.
3. Go for a picnic … indoors!
Now, February is perhaps not a time of the year when one generally considers dining al fresco, but who said anything about going outside? While some of our favorite picnic spots like Central Park, Red Rocks Park, Point Dume, and Grayton Beach are out of reach this time of year, your living room floor can be just as scenic a place to plop yourselves down and do something a little different.

Air out that old picnic blanket, place it (relatively neatly) onto the floor, and prepare all your significant other’s favorite picnic snacks. Throw a couple of lit candles into the mix and the romance will make itself.
4. Make a homemade Valentine’s card
It might sound like a bit of a cliché but hear us out. The truth is that most of us can’t be bothered (or don’t have the time) to partake in any real crafting marathons. Even if it’s for someone you love.
But making a beautiful card for your special someone doesn’t have to take all of your time (and nerves) to complete. In fact, some ideas are so amazingly straightforward that they’re quicker to make than to buy.

Try personalizing and printing out one of our personalized mobile wallpapers for couples and turn that into a card! A quick googling will also unveil a plethora of tutorials that will walk you through the act of making something that is sure to wow them – not with the amount you spent, but with the fact that you took the time to do it yourself. To take the surprise to another level, send it by post or pop it into your own post box for your sweetheart to find!
5. Make a date jar
Never heard of one? Well, you’re not alone. A date jar is quite literally a jar (pickle label removed, of course) that you fill with small pieces of paper, each of which contains a date night suggestion! You can put in as many or few as you’d like, fold the paper into origami hearts, or use painted popsicle sticks instead. The sky’s the limit!

Think about all of the places the two of you have been planning to go or things you’ve been planning to do and make an excuse to do them. The suggestions can be as simple or elaborate as you please – just make sure they’re things that will be fun to do together.
6. Make your own love coupons
Another slightly kitschy idea, we know, but does anyone ever really get tired of these? Make them cheeky and fun or spicy and quirky! All you need is paper, markers, and a sprinkling of imagination.
If you’re not artistically or temporally inclined, give our free, printable Love Coupons a go! All you do is personalize yourself and your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend and print them out once they reach your email inbox. What could be easier?
7. Create a personalized soft cover book
If, however, you’re looking for a more solid gift for Valentine’s Day that won’t break the bank, you might want to check out the soft cover version of one of our personalized books for couples. While most of our books can be ordered with a soft cover, this one really makes the perfect custom DIY gift for February 14th and will put into words everything that they make you feel.

The process is easy as pie! You start by personalizing yourself and your husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend (hair colour and style, eye color and shape, skin tone, facial hair color and shape and even extra details like freckles and glasses).
Then you select the reasons you love them in the form of lovingly crafted short poems and accompanying illustrations. All the text that appears in the book is available for preview prior to purchase, so there are no unpleasant surprises once it reaches you.

This installment to our collection of personalized gifts is also available for same-sex couples and comes in the form of a premium edition, should you decide to splurge.

Still haven’t found what you’re looking for? Feel free to pop by and check out what other amazing, personalized gift ideas we’ve got up our sleeves!