Fathers of Hooray Heroes

Our ladybugs here at Hooray Heroes come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and they’ve seen and done it all! However, in honor of Father’s Day, we wanted to take a couple minutes and give the dads in the office a shout-out. Therefore, we’ve gone and interviewed our fantastic fathers to find out a bit more about them and their families. Hope you enjoy!

Al Vapotic, Head of IT Department, 3 kids (18, 23, & 35 y.o.)

HH: What is your most memorable Father’s Day?

Al: Never actually celebrated one as it’s not so popular where I’m from.  My family is Slovenian, and it isn’t nearly as big a deal there as it is here.

HH: What do you like most about being a dad?

Al: It’s all about being there for my kids. My role is to be their lighthouse and step in when needed, accept them as individuals they are and just enjoy the whole experience of them growing into adults, I’m really proud of.

HH: One secret confession you didn’t know about being a dad beforehand.

Al: I do know best what is right for my children. I read tons of books and listened to advice from so many people about raising children and finally realized I do know best. You just know it; it feels right when you make a good decision about them.

Ryan Quinn, USA Country Manager, 2 kids (5 months & 2.5 y.o.)

HH: What is your the most memorable Father’s Day?

Ryan: My most memorable Father’s Day (I’ve only had 2!) was last year. My older son (at the time, only son) was nearly 2 and therefore more of a functioning person than the previous year so he and my wife were able to craft a gift together and he gave it to me. It was a popsicle-stick picture framed in rocks he collected and read: “My Daddy Rocks.” He then had a tradition of knocking it over each morning (it was on my bedside table) to mess with me.

HH: What do you like most about being a dad?

Ryan: I enjoy having the role of introducing a newcomer to our planet and its inhabitants’ idiosyncrasies. I also love having an excuse to play with toys when I get home from work.

HH: One secret confession you didn’t know about being a dad beforehand.

Ryan: I had no idea how relaxing vacations without kids actually were.

Simon Horvat, Digital Advertising Specialist, 2 kids (1.5 & 5 y.o.)

HH: What is your the most memorable Father’s Day?

Simon: My daughter gave me a picture with my name on it a year ago.  My heart melted.  She drew it herself and was so proud.  It had her favorite thing on it, rainbows (not daddy, obviously…).  I have it framed in our living room.

HH: What do you like most about being a dad?

Simon: The part where you get to be a big brother, do stupid things, and be their best friend. The part when they look up to you and see a hero in you. The part where you get to teach them things, watch them grow and succeed. The part where they show you how much they love you, the hugs, kisses and warm feelings.

HH: One secret confession you didn’t know about being a dad beforehand.

Simon: That it could be so rewarding for yourself. It’s something you think is like that, but you don’t actually know until you feel it.

Leon Roseman, Project Manager, 2 kids (2 & 4 y.o.)

HH: What is your the most memorable Father’s Day?

Leon: I remember my First father’s day when my youngest son and I went for a walk and watched the rainbow, which appeared after the rain…a magical moment.

HH: What do you like most about being a dad?

Leon: You can become an airplane for your child and you don’t need a driving license for that.

HH: One secret confession you didn’t know about being a dad beforehand.

Leon: Children’s poop always stinks. It never stops stinking. In fact, it stinks every month more intensely.